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Working for a noble cause

United for a cause

Discover how our foundation works to improve the quality of life for older adults.

About us

Welcome to Mayka Foundation

We are a non-governmental organization that is dedicated to helping vulnerable older adults. We believe that all people deserve a dignified life, and that's why we work hard to provide them with the help they need.

We don't have luxuries in our foundation; every penny we receive goes towards paying our team's salaries and maintaining our facilities in optimal conditions so that we can continue to help those who need it most. We count on you to continue making a difference in the lives of our older adults.

Donate now!

Our story

The Mayka Foundation A.C. is a home for the heart. Since our birth in 2018, we have dedicated our efforts to providing care and attention to those who need it most: our beloved seniors.

We are proud to be leaders in the sector and to have a team of committed professionals inspired by the passion and leadership of our President, Enf. Jose Luis Hernandez, as well as the commitment and dedication of our doctors, Margarita Toledo and Guiexuuba Donaji Hernandez.

With the invaluable support of generous donors, such as SIMI, Fundación Emprendedores and Sandi, we have been able to expand our services and reach new goals. The recent departure of Nestor Aquino Solís, one of the driving forces behind our project, has been a constant reminder of the importance of our work. However, his legacy lives on in every smile of our residents, in every moment shared with them, in every step we take towards a better future.

At the Mayka Foundation A.C., we work together to create a future full of hope and well-being for our seniors. We wholeheartedly appreciate the support of our donors, who allow us to continue with our mission of helping those who need it most.

The Mayka Foundation A.C. is a home for the heart. Since our birth in 2018, we have dedicated our efforts to providing care and attention to those who need it most: our beloved seniors.

We are proud to be leaders in the sector and to have a team of committed professionals inspired by the passion and leadership of our President, Enf. Jose Luis Hernandez, as well as the commitment and dedication of our doctors, Margarita Toledo and Guiexuuba Donaji Hernandez.

With the invaluable support of generous donors, such as SIMI, Fundación Emprendedores and Sandi, we have been able to expand our services and reach new goals. The recent departure of Nestor Aquino Solís, one of the driving forces behind our project, has been a constant reminder of the importance of our work. However, his legacy lives on in every smile of our residents, in every moment shared with them, in every step we take towards a better future.

At the Mayka Foundation A.C., we work together to create a future full of hope and well-being for our seniors. We wholeheartedly appreciate the support of our donors, who allow us to continue with our mission of helping those who need it most.

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The foundation was born from the concern for the well-being of seniors in our community, seeing that they are often forgotten or ignored. The idea arose from the need to provide them with a safe and comfortable place to live, and an environment in which they feel valued and cared for.


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The foundation was consolidated thanks to the effort and dedication of a group of people committed to the cause. Through the collaboration of professionals in various areas, a solid structure was established and worked together to achieve the organization's objectives.


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The foundation has grown thanks to the support of the community and donors committed to the cause. Over time, relationships have been established with companies and organizations to be able to offer more resources and services to the seniors we serve. The foundation has expanded its services to reach more people in need and has expanded into different geographical areas.

5th Anniversary

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On our 5th anniversary, we celebrate with gratitude the positive impact we have made in the lives of so many seniors. We have managed to consolidate our organization and continue working to improve the quality of life of seniors in our community. We thank our donors and volunteers who have been a fundamental part of our success and commitment to the fight for a dignified old age for all.


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The foundation was born from the concern for the well-being of seniors in our community, seeing that they are often forgotten or ignored. The idea arose from the need to provide them with a safe and comfortable place to live, and an environment in which they feel valued and cared for.


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The foundation was consolidated thanks to the effort and dedication of a group of people committed to the cause. Through the collaboration of professionals in various areas, a solid structure was established and worked together to achieve the organization's objectives.


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The foundation has grown thanks to the support of the community and donors committed to the cause. Over time, relationships have been established with companies and organizations to be able to offer more resources and services to the seniors we serve. The foundation has expanded its services to reach more people in need and has expanded into different geographical areas.

5th Anniversary

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On our 5th anniversary, we celebrate with gratitude the positive impact we have made in the lives of so many seniors. We have managed to consolidate our organization and continue working to improve the quality of life of seniors in our community. We thank our donors and volunteers who have been a fundamental part of our success and commitment to the fight for a dignified old age for all.


Our mission is to provide the best care and quality of life to the most vulnerable older adults, promoting their emotional, physical and social well-being.p>


To be recognized as a leading organization in the care of older adults, providing quality and excellence services at a national level..

Our Values


We are driven by love and compassion for the elderly, and we are committed to providing them with a safe, comfortable, and loving home without receiving any financial benefit in return.


Our mission is to help the elderly improve their quality of life by offering services and activities that promote their physical, emotional, and social well-being without seeking to obtain economic gains from it.


We value and promote contact with nature, and we believe it is fundamental to the health and well-being of the elderly. Therefore, we work to create natural and sustainable environments in our residences.


We believe that all elderly people deserve to live with dignity, respect, and autonomy, so we strive to provide them with fair and dignified treatment, and to ensure that they have access to services and resources that allow them to live independently without seeking to obtain any profit.


We are driven by love and compassion for the elderly, and we are committed to providing them with a safe, comfortable, and loving home without receiving any financial benefit in return.


Our mission is to help the elderly improve their quality of life by offering services and activities that promote their physical, emotional, and social well-being without seeking to obtain economic gains from it.


We value and promote contact with nature, and we believe it is fundamental to the health and well-being of the elderly. Therefore, we work to create natural and sustainable environments in our residences.


We believe that all elderly people deserve to live with dignity, respect, and autonomy, so we strive to provide them with fair and dignified treatment, and to ensure that they have access to services and resources that allow them to live independently without seeking to obtain any profit.

Our Impact


Elderly Served


Active Volunteers


Years of Community Service

How to Help?

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Join our family and provide love and company to our residents

In our tireless pursuit of improving the quality of life of those most in need, we know that we cannot do it alone. That is why we value and recognize the importance of volunteering in our daily work. Thanks to our volunteers, we have been able to establish strategic alliances with various organizations and improve our programs to assist the most vulnerable. We are proud to say that everything we do is thanks to the dedication and selfless commitment of our volunteers, whose motivation is to offer a dignified and happy life to those who need it most. Together, we can make a big difference in the lives of those most in need.


Your help makes a difference: Help us take care of our seniors

In our constant effort to improve the lives of seniors, we have established strategic alliances with various organizations. In 2021, we received an important donation from SIMI, which allowed us to strengthen our care programs and improve the quality of life of our residents. We are proud to say that everything we do is non-profit, as our only motivation is to offer a dignified and happy life to our seniors.

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About us


Our commitment to the senior community

Strategic alliances for the well-being of seniors.

In our constant effort to improve the lives of seniors, we have established strategic alliances with various organizations. In 2021, we received a significant donation from SIMI, which allowed us to strengthen our care programs and improve the quality of life of our residents. We are proud to say that everything we do is non-profit, as our only motivation is to offer a dignified and happy life to our seniors.


Our commitment to quality care

Committed to excellence in elderly care

Committed to excellence in elderly care At Fundación Mayka A.C., we strive to provide the best possible care for our residents. In 2018, we obtained our operating notice from health authorities through COFEPRIS. In 2022, the INAPAM Registro(RUI1044/2022) certification, which allowed us to further improve the quality of our service. For us, every resident is important, and we work hard to ensure that they feel valued and cared for at all times.


Our success story

A story of hope and overcoming in old age.

In our five-year journey, we have achieved great things thanks to the support of our community. In particular, we are proud to have provided a safe and welcoming home to residents like Delfino, who was abandoned and now receives 100% of our care. We are glad to know that we have made a difference in his life and in the lives of many other seniors.


Our commitment to health

Taking care of the health of those who need it most.

At Fundación Mayka A.C., we consider the health of our residents to be our top priority. That is why we have obtained the registration and certification in COFEPRIS Registro(23-000033995), which allows us to carry out permanent procedures with health institutions and ensure that our residents are always up-to-date on their vaccination schedule. We know that our seniors are a vulnerable population and we want them to feel protected at all times. That's why we will do everything possible to ensure their well-being and that they live with the peace of mind they deserve.


Committed to the well-being of the community

Recognition for our work in caring for older adults in Oaxaca

This year we were recognized for our work. This achievement is proof of our commitment to the care and well-being of the elderly in our community.

In our work, we have focused on promoting and disseminating the benefits of health services provided through the Oaxaca State Committee for Aging Care. Our inclusion in this Committee is a testament to our work and dedication to caring for the elderly in our community.

We are committed to continue working hard to improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable people in our community and contribute to a better future for all. Join us and let's make a difference together!

Our Houses

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Donaji Senior Home

Donaji Senior Home was created on March 15, 2018 in the home of Mrs. Inés Martínez in Tetzilacatzin 205, San Jacinto neighborhood in the Villa de Zaachila, Oaxaca. Initially it was established to care for Mrs. Martínez and two more residents, due to the need to create a safe and pleasant space that covered the needs of the residents. The residents of the Home permanently interact, carrying out playful, social and cultural activities, supported by a multidisciplinary team specialized in providing an adequate quality of life and a dignified old age.

Imagen de la primera casa de Fundación Mayka A.C.

Donaji Senior Home 2.0

After the pandemic and the growing need to accommodate more applicants, Donaji Senior Home 2.0 was created in Indio de Noyoo 27, La Purísima neighborhood, Villa de Zaachila, Oaxaca. This home was also established with the intention of continuing the hard work for the benefit of older adults. Currently, Donaji Senior Home 2.0 is part of the Mayka Foundation, A.C., an organization authorized by the SAT to receive in-kind or monetary donations. Its welfare activity is focused on the benefit of older adults.

Our team

Our team is made up of medical staff, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, and support personnel. All of them have certifications and specializations in their respective areas of work, which allows them to provide comprehensive and quality care to our residents. In addition, our staff is constantly trained and updated to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in the care and attention of the elderly. We ensure that our entire team is trained in disease prevention, nutrition, physical and mental activity, among others. At Fundación Mayka A.C., we are proud of our team of professionals committed to caring for the elderly. We strive to provide a safe, fair, and respectful work environment, so that our staff can perform their duties with maximum efficiency and quality to offer the best possible care to our residents.

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José Luis Hernández Martinez

Presidente de la Fundación

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Dra. Margarita Toledo Rasgado

Directora Médica

Cédula profesional: 11251467

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Virginia Carolina Ambrocio Felipe


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Vianey Mendez Cruz


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L.E. Mizraim Jaret Hernández Aguilar

L.E.Rolando Cortés Ruiz

Jefes de Enfermería

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Mariana Cázarez Hernández


Cédula Médico Cirujano: 10116552
Cédula Gerontología: 13345297


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The work we do in our foundation would not be possible without the support of our donors. Each contribution, no matter how small, is crucial to maintain our programs and services for the elderly. As a non-profit organization, our work focuses on providing a safe and comfortable space for our residents, as well as offering quality services that promote their physical and emotional well-being. While we have received significant donations from companies and organizations such as SIMI, we constantly need the support of our community to continue our work. Every donation we receive is a show of trust in our work and motivates us to keep moving forward. We thank in advance to all those who consider supporting our cause and help us improve the quality of life of our elderly.

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